Friday, 10 November 2017

TCS aspire User Interfaces questions & Answers

1. What tag should be used to indicate an abbreviation or acronym to a browser?
ANS: <abbr> and <acronym>
2. When you count to 15 using hexadecimal numbers, the highest number is what?
3. What are the range of heading tags available using HTML?
ANS:<h1>to <h6>
4. How can you open a link in new browser window?
ANS: <a href=’url’ target=”_blank”>
5. Instead of using Hspace and Vspace which of he following tag add spacing to your image?
ANS: 1x1 pixel transparent image
6. The output tag is not supported in:
ANS: IE(Internet explorer)
7. Image links can show a text label by adding which property?
ANS: alt
8. Marquee is tag in HTML to
ANS: Display the text with scrolling effect
9. Which properties signifies how many rows a cell should span
ANS: rowspan=n
10. Which attribute is used to choose the font type?
ANS: face
11. To start a list using circles use?
ANS: <ul type=”circle”>
12. Which piece of code could be used to divide the screen into four parts of equal area?
ANS: <FRAMESET COLS=”1*,1*,1*,1*>
13. Which has higher priority:cell settings or table settings?
ANS: cell
14. Which of the following is legal HTML syntax?
ANS: <FRAMESET COLS=”50%, 50%”>
15. What tag tells where a link starts?
ANS: <a>
16. Which is the HTML tag to give heading for the table?
ANS: <caption>
17. The content of table is shown
ANS: After table loads
18. Where the base tag is specified?
ANS: <head>
19. Adding a boarder to your image helps the user to identify
ANS: link
20. If para1 is the DOM object for a paragraph, what is the correct syntax to change the text
within the paragraph>
ANS: para1.value=”New Text”;
21. DFN tag is a _ _ _ _tag.
ANS: basic
22. Which of the following tag is used to insert images to your web pages?
ANS: img
23. Where is the correct place to insert a JavaScript?
ANS: both the <head> section and the <body> sctions are correct
24. What is the correct HTML tag for inserting a line break?
ANS: <br/>
25. To change the size of an image use
ANS: Height and width
26. The base tag specifies _____for all relative URLs in a document.
ANS: target
27. What do Phrase tags do?
ANS: Better text effect
28. What is the correct HTML tag for inserting a line break?
ANS: <br/>
29. The background image will scroll when user scrolls down;unless which properrtyis enabled?
ANS: bgproperties=”fixed”
30. Which of the following is not an attribute of the FRAME tag?
31. How to make button disabled?
ANS: <button type="button" disabled>Click Me!</button>
32. Colspan=n can be added to?
ANS: <td>
33. What is the correct HTML for adding a background color?
ANS: <body style=”background-color:white”>
34. Which among the following is used to connect webpages?
ANS: Hyperlinks
35. Select the tag that gives numbered list?
ANS: <ol>
36. Tags which are used to create sections in a web page is collectively known as
ANS: Structure tags
37. Which of the following will make my text bold except?
ANS: Strong
38. Which is not an attribute of base font tag?
ANS: format
39. How to start a numeric listing starting from index=3?
ANS: <ol start="3">
40. What is the purpose of an HTMl tag?
ANS: It specifies formatting and layout instructions of a web page.
41. How to make each word in a text start with capital letter?
ANS: text-transform: uppercase;
42. Which one is the attribute of tag?
ANS: dir
43. To specify a font for your whole page add which tag?
ANS: <basefont>
44. What tags can I use to embed an object into an html code?
ANS: applet,embed,object
45. Out of the following which tag enables the cell content to be in left alignment?
ANS: <td align=”left”>
46. How do you make lists its items with squares?
ANS: list-style-type: square
47. Which attribute is used to name an element uniquely?
ANS: id
48. (.) tags will create what kind of list/
ANS: Bulleted List
49. To wrap down a text; down the side of an image?
ANS: <img src="myImage.gif" align="right">
50. _ _ _ _property specifies an image to use as the background ;of an element
ANS: Backgrond-image
51. W3c stands for
ANS: World wide web consortium
52. Which of the following is not pair of tag?
ANS: <img>
53. Which tag used to create hypertext relationship between current document and another
ANS: <a>
54. Which tag is used to display the large font size?
55. The # symbol specifies that the selector is?
ANS: id
56. How can you make a bulleted list?
ANS: <ul>
57. How will you change the left margin of an element?
ANS: margin=left:
58. Which property is used to change the background color?
ANS: background-color:
59. Which is the property used for setting HTMl content for an element
ANS: element.innerHTML
60. What is the use of iframe in HTML?
ANS: to display a webpage within a web page.
61. When you use a heading tag in a document, what does he web browser assumes?
ANS: Heading information is to appear on its own line
62. World Wide Web (WWW) is based on which model?
ANS: client server
63. Text within tag is displayed as_ _ _
ANS: indented
64. Which of the following is the correct regarding meta tag in HTMl?
ANS: <meta name = ” ” />
65. Which attribute is uses with td tag to merge two cells horizontally?
ANS: colspan=2
66. Add a link which will allow the visitor to send an email from your page
ANS: Add <a href="mailto:youraddress">
67. The event that is triggered when focus is removed from an HTMl element
ANS: onblur
68. Which of the following are invalid java scripts keywords?
ANS: accept
69. The property of option in dropdown box that enables default selection is
ANS: selected
70. _ _ _ Java Script is also called as sever-side JavaScript.
ANS: Liveware
71. _ _ _ Java Script is also called as client-side JavaScript.
ANS: Navigator
72. To automatically open the console when a JavaScript error occurs which of the following is
added to prefs.js?
ANS: user_pref(“javascript.console.open_on_error”, true);
73. Which of the following are invalid java script objects?
ANS: function
74. How to create a Date Object in java script
ANS: dateObjectName = new Date([parameters])
75. Java Script is designed for following purpose
ANS: To add interactively to HTML pages
76. Which of the following denotes Logical NOT operator
ANS: !
77. In HTML, which of the below element is a form control element according DOM model
ANS: button
78. Java Script statements are executed by
ANS: Browser
79. The JavaScript exception is available to the Java code as an instance of_ _ _ _
ANS: netscape.javascript.JSException
80. Which is the out most element of the Object hierarchy in DOM model?
ANS: window object
81. Is it possible to nest functions in Java Script/
ANS: true
82. Which of the following denotes Bitwise NOT Operator
ANS: ~
83. Alert box gives only one button “OK” select and proceed.
ANS: True
84. If you want to access all instances of a particular tag in an html file, which of the following
function(s) will you use?
ANS: document.getElementByTagName(tagname)
85. What is meant by “this keyword” in java script?
ANS: it refers current object
86. Which of the following are true
ANS: Java script is loosely typed
87. Which of the following can’t be done with client-side Java script?
ANS: Storing the form’s contents to a database file on the server
88. What does the following do –prompt(“please enter avalid name”);
ANS: it displays a prompt box with the text Please enter a valid name and an input text
89. Which of the following will help you to access value of an element(tag) in html using DOM
ANS: document.getElementById(“elementID”).value
90. What is the correct way to write a java scrip array?
ANS: var txt = new Array(“tim”,”kim”,”jim”)
91. Which are the loops applicabvle in JavaScript/
ANS: while, Do While, for
92. Which one of the below event is called when an elment loses its focus.
ANS: onblur
93. JavaScript can be written
ANS: directly into js file and inclided into HTML
94. The value of selected property of options in dropdown box can have what value?
ANS: either true or false
95. What are called JavaScript Reserved Words?
ANS: Those words which can not be used as Javascript variables, function, methods, loop
lables, or any object names.
96. What is the nature of typeof in Javascript
ANS: its an operator
97. What is the correct JavaScript syntax to write “hello world”?
ANS: document.write(“hello world”)
98. Which best explains getSelection()?
ANS: Returns the value of cursor-selected text
99. The syntax of close method for document ___
ANS: Close()
100. In HTML , which of the below element is a form control element according to Dom
ANS: button
101. JavaScript is interpreted by__
ANS: Client
102. Break, continue, switch , if …else if…else are applicable in Java Script
103. The event type which occurs when a user clicks mouse left button
ANS: onclick
104. The javascript keyword that exists from a function
ANS: return
105. Which of the following attribute can old the Javascript version?
ANS: Language
106. Which of the following best describes JavaScript?
ANS: an object-oriented scripting language.
107. Which of the following is a valid Javascript Variable?
1.Var $check=11;
2.Var Check=10;
3.Var 1_check=11;
4.Var check=11;
ANS: 1, 2, 4 are correct.
108. Among the following which are java script reserved words? Continue, interface,
Boolean, transient, check, demo
ANS: continue,interface, Boolean, transient
109. Document content of HTML is accessed and modified using which programming
110. This event occurs when you try to submit the form
ANS: onsubmit
111. Which one of the following event is called once the page has finished loading
ANS: onload
112. What is a document object in Dom model:
ANS: Each HTMl document that gest loaded into a window is document object
113. Which of the following is valid event tag attribute?
ANS: onmousemove
114. Which of the following are invalid javascript keywords?
ANS: execute
115. _ _ _ class provides an interface for invoking javascript methods and examining
JavaScript properties.
ANS: JSObject
116. The method that checks the last occurrence of a given character in a string
ANS: lastIndexOf
117. Which of the below given events is a form event?
ANS: onchange
118. Constructors are possible in JavaScript
ANS: For both Object and built-in native objects
119. The event occurs when a user keep pressing a mouse button over an element is
ANS: onmousedown
120. Which is the event called when a user releases a key?
ANS: onkeyup
121. “onload” event belongs to which object:
ANS: window
122. Which of the below statement is not true:
ANS: blur() method calls all onblur events corresponding to different elements of the
current window
123. Which is the event called when a user keep pressing a key?
ANS: onkeydown
124. If you want an event to occur if the user presses the enter key, which of the below
event will be called:
ANS: onkeypress


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