Sunday 24 June 2018

TCS Tech Lounge JAVA Final-16

The webserver that executes the servlet creates an _ _ _ _ and passes this to servlets service method(which inturn passes to doget and dopost)
ANS: HttpServlet

public class Sample
                                public static void main(String[] args){
                                int[] myArray = new int[3];
                                for(int x:myArray)

Ans: 000

Java platform consists of below components.

An InputStreamReader is a bridge from byte streams to ……………………streams.
ANS: Character

What can be appended to Writer class using append() ?
ANS: Character

When you create a FileOutputStream you can decide if you want to overwrite any existing file with the same name, or if you want to append to any existing file.
ANS: True

Reader class is a final class ?
ANS: False

What command is used to compile a Java program eg.
ANS: javac

Which method of Writer class is not implemented by subclass ?
ANS: read()

What value does readLine() return upon encountering end-of-file ?
ANS:  null

Can a stream act as a data source for another stream?
ANS:  Yes. Some streams can be connected together.

What is a stream that transforms data in some way called ?
ANS: Processing stream

SELECT * FROM Table1 HAVING Column1 > 10
ANS: The result will be all rows from Table 1 which have Column1 values greater than 10.

Which of the following invokes function in SQL
ANS: Callable statements

The equals method only takes Java objects as an argument , and not primitives, passing primitives will result in a compile time error.
ANS: True

Which of these keywords is not a part of Java exception handling ?
ANS: thrown

A floppy disk contains
ANS: Both circular tracks and sector

public class StringComp{
                       public static void main(String[] args){
                       String s1= "rahul";
                       String s2= "rahul";
                       String s3= new String("459029");
                       String s4= new String("459029");
ANS: true true true false

In BufferedReader what method is used to notify the operating system that a file is no longer needed ?
ANS: close()

In Servlet Terminology what provides rentime environment for JavaEE(j2ee) applications. It performs many operations that are given below: 1. Life Cycle Management 2.Multithreaded support 3. Object Pooling 4.Security etc
ANS: Container

The DTD defines the structure of XML documents
ANS: True

Choose the incorrect one among the following choices:

ANS: List<int> I = new ArrayList<int>();


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